Friday, May 15, 2009

BBQ Friday Night

Friday night was BBQ chicken night. We had some yummy corn on the cob to go along with it. We thought Lily would enjoy it too. She got to suck, gnaw, and chew on empty cob. She could have played with that for hours if we would let her!


Deanne said...

Lily sure takes this eating business seriously...or is it this teething business? Just think of how much money is spent on fancy teethers and all it takes is a good old fashioned corn cob, like our ancestors most likely used for their children. Even with food smeared from ear to ear Lily is a charmer with an infectious smile!

krisjane said...

Ear infections are no fun!!! And a double ear infection sounds worse!! Poor little Lily!! She's still as adaorable as ever though!! :)